Meet Jeu: Leading Our Assembly Team with Experience and Dedication

3 minutes reading

Man with arms crossed standing in a factory with machinery and equipment

We offer our customers a product portfolio that meets their specific needs and requirements. But a growing product portfolio also requires developments in the production process. For years, Jeu has been a familiar face in the area where our products are assembled, and has grown with the developments in the assembly process.

Jeu explains: "In 1984, I started working for Vostermans Ventilation through an employment agency as a packer in the final assembly department. The production process in the factory at that time was a bit more manual than it is today. On a production line, the fan parts were hung up on a hook, spray painted in the desired colors and then dried in a drying tunnel. After that, the fans were assembled and stacked and finally packaged by me. As a young man, I was an active powerlifter. I worked out a lot and was brought up at home with a real work mentality. I was very driven and sometimes packed up to 300 fans a day. This was quickly noticed and rewarded with a contract at Vostermans Ventilation itself. For me, this was a sign that I was where I wanted to be.

Two men having a discussion in a factory near a conveyor belt with equipment parts

After working in the repair department for a while, I later developed into a toolmaker in the tooling department. Development and training is something that is given a lot of attention at Vostermans. I attended several courses and learned CNC turning, CNC milling and toolmaking.

Unfortunately, I took on too much during that time as a toolmaker and it affected my health. It was a difficult time, but the organization helped me through it very well. We soon realized that I preferred to return to the assembly process.

So in 2004 I made a second start as an assembly employee. My supervisor quickly saw my potential and suggested a next step as a line feeder. This is a type of work planner for our final assembly. I then underwent training in communication and leadership to become a supervisor. Since then, I have been in a leadership position within the assembly process for 12 years as a line feeder, line coordinator and now as team leader. In addition to the training, I have also received a lot of support from my colleague Ricardo, who is also a team leader in the department. We have been working together for 20 years and have become good friends.

Two men working on assembling a machine part in a factory, with tools and equipment around them

Over the past 20 years, a lot has changed in our production process. Our product portfolio has continued to grow and we now produce many custom fans for Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEM) customers. In addition, there have been many advances in automation, safety, and an ergonomic work environment. We also use Lean Six Sigma and the 5S principle (separate, arrange, clean, standardize and systematize) to optimize the assembly process. In this way, there is more and more structure, materials and tools are used as efficiently as possible, and of course this has a positive effect on quality.

Man working at a computer in an office with a red wall and printer in the background

As team leaders, Ricardo and I also do our part in these developments. We put energy into training and retaining employee's, and into clear communication. For example, we have a start of day meeting where we discuss what went well yesterday and what we can improve today. This is also a time for colleagues to share an idea or comment with the team. This allows everyone to contribute and know what is expected of them, and it creates an important bond within the team.

I myself also feel a strong bond with Vostermans as a company. I have always enjoyed working here and I am grateful for having been able to grow and develop here. To this day, I feel that I am truly appreciated for the work I do here, and I really appreciate that.

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Picture of Vostermans Ventilation
published on March 21, 2023

Vostermans Ventilation

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