Why Greenhouses Need Ventilation: Key to Optimal Plant Growth

2 minutes reading

A greenhouse interior with lush green plants and a worker in protective clothing tending to the plants

Active climate control through ventilation and circulation plays an important role in greenhouses. In this article we explain why ventilation is beneficial in greenhouses.

Ventilation and circulation in greenhouses leads to:

  • Reduction in the temperature differential
  • Better distribution and absorption of CO2
  • Reduction of the risk of moisture-associated diseases such as Botrytis, mildew and Mycosphaerella.

Climate control in greenhouses can be a major challenge due to variable temperatures and humidity conditions. Externally, it is dependent on the weather, location and season. Internally, for example, the cultivation, the surface area, height of the greenhouse and whether or not screening is applied.

Ensure an optimal climate for plant growth

An ideal temperature and humidity ensure that the crop in the greenhouse can grow to its full potential, without being impeded by pests and fungi. In other words, an optimal greenhouse climate ensures a higher yield of high quality, with a positive effect on the operating result.

Ideal temperature

If the temperature is too high, a plant will 'breathe' faster and glucose (sugars) will be burned, which will then no longer be available for growth. However, too low a temperature can have a negative effect on photosynthesis and thus on the development of the crop.

Ideal humidity

If the air humidity is too low, there is a chance that nutrients will burn, with the result that the crop will grow more slowly. If the humidity is too high, plants will hardly absorb nutrients and water and become more sensitive to fungi and pests.

In order to achieve the ideal transpiration level at plant level, the air must have exactly the right temperature, humidity and movement.

Axial Fans used for greenhouse ventilation

Mechanical ventilation and circulation is one of the most important ways to control the humidity and temperature in a greenhouse. The correct use of mechanical ventilation, or fans, can thereby ensure:

  • Optimal air distribution to prevent vertical temperature differences and therefore uniform growth
  • Better manageability of the humidity at plant level
  • Reduction of energy costs
  • A desired constant low air speed at all levels

    Related topic: Our range of axial fans for greenhouses

A crucial part of active climate control is the correct circulation/ventilation and fan choice, based on your specific situation, such as cultivation, area, greenhouse height, screening, etc. You can read more about this here: “Types of ventilation in horticultural greenhouses”.




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published on December 10, 2019

Vostermans Ventilation

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